Kids and Family Resource Blog

Archive for the ‘Milestones’ Category

Please Touch Museum Wellness Parents program is a 6 week workshop for parents and their babies. There are workshops for first time parents of babies under 6 months and one year, and second time parents. Learn about developmental milestones and what to expect with the new challenges and joys that a child brings.


The number of children with hearing loss in the United States has been increasing, according to federal surveys. Difficulty hearing can impact a child’s ability to function in other areas of development. When children are not reaching their speech, social, and cognitive milestones, an appointment with an audiologist is often recommended to ensure there are no hearing concerns. Early awareness of the signs of hearing impairment can help families seek appropriate intervention.

The CDC’s web page addressing hearing loss in children has many helpful resources. They include handouts and guides, warning signs, and treatment and intervention services.


Check out this parent’s guide to hearing loss for more information.

This blog aims to provide useful resources and information that may be helpful to both parents AND providers.

The Zero to Three website, located at, is an excellent resource addressing all areas of infant and toddler development.

Look through the site to find a wealth of handouts and information, often also available in Spanish.  Here are a few that might be useful to many:

  • The Power of Play, a handout that discusses the development of play skills and choosing activities and toys for children from 0-36 months.

Let us know if you find anything especially helpful on the site, so that we can share it with others!

Kids and Family, Inc.

The Kids and Family Resource Blog is created and maintained by Kids and Family, Inc. Kids and Family provides Early Intervention services for children ages 0-3 in Philadelphia County, including Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Special Instruction, and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Services. For more information, email or call (215) 525-4970.

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